Authentic Admiration

A handwritten note, with photo prints included and sent first class mail, goes further than ever. Genuine, human, and memorable, especially when the note includes this heartfelt “sound bite”:

“Thank you for bringing something so special and memorable to our big day.
We cannot wait to recommend you to our friends.”

Josh and Kimerbly, you can cross this off your list. . . thanks for the recommendation and the note. Want to learn more about Act 3 caricature and entertainment services? Here you go.

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Saints Marching In

Saints Marching In

Evoking the Creole classic, the triumphant, trumpet heavy “When the Saints Go Marching In” is the revered anthem for the city of New Orleans. How appropriate to invoke that song as scary Halloween transitions to All Saints Day then All Souls Day, and Act 3 reflects on its work in helping some “Saints.”

From Woodstock to the Supreme Court

From Woodstock to the Supreme Court

Terry Gilbert has been an activist and an attorney through fifty years of trying times. From aiding Native Americans at Wounded Knee when he was fresh out of law school, to filing one of the earliest cases in the Chief Wahoo controversy…